Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thursday Night in Cairo


Yea, someone was indeed waiting for us at the Cairo terminal when we got off our plane. He was the only one with a "Horold" sign, that was close enough.

After getting our visa, going through immigration and refusing to give our two "helpers" a 100 Egyptian dollar tip (US$20), we gave them a E$20, it was off in a wild taxi for 30 minutes. Naugi, our driver was very informative concerning our trip to the Havana Hotel. A bit of Egyptian trivia - there are 20 million people who live in Cairo, 22 million who work here, and 25 million population of Egypt. He concluded by saying "no money - no honey, no wife, no life". So many people work two jobs.


Above is a picture of traffic at 1AM in Cairo. Since it is Thursday night, everybody is out and about, (some all night long) since their holy day is Friday, when things are very quite. Naugi said that 75% of Egyptians are Muslin and 25% are Christian (Coptic) and they get along just fine. So much for our perspective of every Muslim is a jihadist.

Yes, he did ask about our new president once he found out we were from America. He likes Obama, does not like Bush, (called him crazy) and looked forward to an America lead by Obama.

It's 2AM now, breakfast at 7AM, meet our tour guide at 8AM, then back in Naugi's taxi for the days activities.