Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday - St. Catherine's Monastery

As I mentioned yesterday, this is an oldie.  The problem with this visit was, again, the crush of people, it was absolutely impossible to move in the monastery, and indeed only two parts were open.  The  Basilica of the Transfiguration, with no photos, and a very grumpy looking Coptic Orthodox Christian priest sitting there glaring at you.  On our way through the Basilica, we were showed  a door from the 4th century.


The other accessible area was the "burning bush" remnant.  Tradition states that is straggly bush originated from Moses' burning bush encounter with God.   Again, a crush of people, none who spoke English all pushing and shoving to see and touch the bush.


A couple of notes on St. Catherine.  She was one of the most popular early Christian saints.  Born into a wealthy Alexandrian family in the early 4th century.  She was tortured for her beliefs, first spun on a spiked wheel, then beheaded. 

She did get the last "laugh" though. On her last "spin" the wheel fell apart killing all of her torturers. The 2nd string torturers cut her head off.


On a whole different note, the maids enjoy "bed art" here in Egypt.  Here are two of their latest creations from our towels!


This is a Daffy Duck pillow with two swans


We think this is a cross between a crocodile and a scorpion, with two swan escorts