Black Feathers
7:00 p.m.
Lat/Long: 26.34 N 147.16 W
Distance to Finish: 716 miles 12 hour mileage: 64 miles
Course (true): 250 degrees
Speed: 5.5 knots
Date: 7/26/08
A photo of Robert and Black Feathers appears today in the Electronic Latitude 38...check it out at:
He had a good day was nice, partially sunny. His solar panel is shattered, but still charging. Should it get wet, it may cease to work, but it appears he has plenty of stored power to handle lights, communications, etc. He's in good shape.
Wen Lin of Wenlemir is expected home tomorrow. He is tired but safe.Sorry...last night's 7:00 p.m. Distance to Finish: 846 miles...12 hour mileage: 62 miles
Black Feathers
7:00 a.m.
Lat/Long: 27.2 N 146.12 W
Distance to Finish: 780 12 hour mileage: 66
Course: 255 degrees true
Speed: 5.5 knots
Date: 7/26/08
Robert is doing great. This trip he has had little sun...only partially sunny days. He's hoping for sunny days closer to Kauai. In June when he did the LongPac (qualifier for this race...200 miles out to sea from San Francisco and back...5 days) he and all the skippers reported some of the most beautiful blue waters and sailing they had ever seen, and lots of sea critters...not so this trip.
A little on the arrival tradition. As you know all the boat engines are sealed when they leave San Francisco. Hanalei Bay does not have docking accommodations so as the skippers approach the bay, no matter what time day or night, they radio in to the Race Committee what time they expect to cross the finish line. An escort boat, with a Race Committee member (and perhaps a family member) onboard, will go out to meet the incoming boat. The RC member presents the incoming skipper with a lei and his/her beverage of choice. The engine seal is confirmed to still be intact, and the escort boat brings them all ashore. The escort boat is a rubber boat so it can come up on the beach.
Saturday, August the awards ceremony and banquet at the Princeville Resort (the finish line) everyone is hoping to be finished by that time.