Black Feathers
7:00 p.m.
Lat/Long: 31.57 N 132.41 W
Distance to Finish: 1543 mi (total trip approximately 2120 mi)
Course: 250 degrees
Speed: 5.6 knots
Date: 7/19/08
From 7:00 p.m. last night until 7:00 p.m. tonight, he did 125 miles. He is quite happy about his progress. In 1994 when he did his first TransPac in an Ericson 32 he averaged 120-130 per day when the winds were good, so little Ms. Black Feathers is doing herself proud.
Still projecting noon on the 31st as his arrival date/time in Kauai.
Black Feathers
7:00 a.m.
Lat/Long: 32 29 N 131 30 W
Distance to Finish: 1610 miles
Course: 245 degrees
Speed: 6.2 knots
Date: 7/19/08
Robert said he got a good night's sleep. He's out far enough now he won't see many ships, or even very many boats, if any. His CARD (radar system) and his AIS (actually identifies the ships so he can call them and make sure they see him) are working great. The CARD is an alarm system, actually it's an obnoxious alarm system so one CANNOT sleep through it. The CARD goes off and alerts him and then in just a minute or so, usually after he has already seen the ship, the AIS tells him who it that time he knows he can avert, there is no danger, or it's time to call. He has not had to call to this point and probably won't at this distance from shore.
He is gaining on Sparky and Carroll E...the other small boats in the fleet (Sparky is 22 feet, but has a higher handicap and Carroll E is a 24 foot boat..both have been performing very well). Two reports back Sparky was 150 miles closer to Kauai than Robert, but Robert has narrowed the distance down to 70 miles today. Both skippers are our good friends, so we are happy for them, but he is still enjoying some friendly competition. Sparky's skipper, Ruben Gabriel, is actually doing the race "inspired" by Robert. We are all looking forward to a great reunion and lots of adventure tales in Kauai. Robert is elated there is a small boat "fleet" this year.
Robert told me both Sparky and Carroll E sail better in the conditions they have had...Black Feathers should sail best in the conditions they are about to encounter. Robert predicts he will arrive in Kauai about noon on July 31...if conditions continue as anticipated. Fifteen mile an hour winds are perfect for Black Feathers. He did 58 miles in the last 12 hour period...his goal is 110 - 120 per day.