Black Feathers
7:00 p.m. position
Lat/Long: 29.47 N 138.28 W
Distance to Finish: 1220 miles 12 hour total: 50 miles
Course: (true): 258 degrees
Speed: 5 knots
Date: 7/22/08
Robert is surrounded by 6 other boats...all within 50 miles of him...and he's ahead of some of them. Our neighbor, another sailor and one who is quite familiar with the various types of boats says Robert is doing quite well given his size and handicap, and should do even better as he heads into the tradewinds. Stay tuned.
Half way should come either late tomorrow night or the next day. Half way is 1060 distance to finish.
Black Feathers
7:00 a.m.
Lat/Long: 30.13N 137.38 W
Distance to Finish: 1270 last 12 hours made 50 miles
Course (true): 245 degrees
Speed: 5 knots
Date: 7/22/08
I asked about sea life and the phosphorus light the skippers usually see at night from the fish just under the water...he, as well as the other skippers, are not seeing much wildlife and other than the first few nights are not seeing the phosphorus light...which is most unusual. Perhaps as they get closer to Kauai.
He sounds good, not as tired as he sounded when he was on the LongPac qualifier in June. He's having a good time and making good miles. And he has a renewed pudding stash!!! The LongPac is a solo race, if you are using it to qualify for the TransPac, that is 200 miles out to sea and back, and USUALLY is the roughest portion of this trip. Although as you know this time that portion was becalmed. Kendra, Robert's daughter, and her Dad did the longPac together some years back. I believe she was 16. One adventuresome girl!!! That was on the 32 foot Ericson. Black Feathers is not suited for a long voyage with more than one person...some say not even that because you cannot stand up in the cabin, but...Robert is doing it!
For those of you who are wondering, yes, when I am in Kauai, I will have this laptop with me, AND DSL (in the condo...not available where we live in the mountains), and will continue to fill you in on Robert's progress. Come July 31st or so when he comes ashore, you probably won't need telecommunications, you'll hear me clear from Kauai!!!!! Who says I'm quiet!