Black Feathers
7:00 p.m. position
Lat/Long: 22.44 N 158.13 W
Distance to Finish: 76 miles 12 hour mileage: 57 miles
Course: 250 true
Speed: 5.6 knots
This MAY be my last communiqué to you until AFTER Robert arrives...I'll try to send you something tomorrow, but won't promise. BUT he is 76 miles out and it appears he will be in Hanalei in the wee hours of the morning. Carroll E finished today an hour earlier than anticipated. It appears Robert may finish an hour later than anticipated last night. I believe with his handicap that still secures second place in his division. Fingers are crossed. NO one in the entire fleet beat the first place holder in his division. Wild Flower is going to take first overall corrected! Hooray for Skip.
The albatross is still onboard with Robert. The bird hasn't eaten anything in the 21 hours it's been in residence, but it seems quite's snoozing and preening. He flew to it's perch at the bow of the boat apparently in a healthy manner and is just enjoying the ride to Hanalei. What a kick!
I'm on my way to Tree. Winston and Sarah will arrive soon and all's well with the Black Feathers bunch.
Hugs and more hugs to you all. It's been a great ride and you have kept me focused on things other than my special man being out in the middle of the ocean. Thank you.
Black Feathers
7:00 a.m.
Lat/Long: 23:04 N 157.15 W 12 hour mileage: 65
Distance to finish: 133 miles
Course: 250 degrees true
Speed: 5.2 knots
This time tomorrow morning, instead of writing to you, I should be standing in the dark (it's 4:30 a.m. here) near the Hanalei pier watching for Robert to be brought in on the Zodiac from his boat.
He is most excited to be so close.
He has an onboard passenger, not the disqualifying type, but an albatross (large bird). These birds nest in the yards of Princeville in December and it is a great honor to have one select your residence as theirs. Signs are put up to alert folks so they don't disturb them. When we were here last December, we counted 12 of them within 6 blocks of us. When Robert and his sister, Kay, lived in Kauai in 1995, they had the honor of having one in their yard. They lay their eggs, then after a time the parents leave and the young bird flies off the cliff and out to sea for I believe it's a couple of years (Kay, can you correct me here). So this one must have seen a good resting opportunity and took it. It has been on the bow of Black Feathers facing into the wind for over 9 hours. The bird and Robert observed a ship together just before the equipment alerted Robert of the ship's presence. Even the piercing alarm of the CARD didn't scare the albatross
away. It's still there preening and taking in the view. Robert said at one point his hand was within a foot of the bird...doesn't seem to mind the presence of a humanoid.
Last night at TREE, I heard someone say "Crawford". When I turned around I saw two new faces, Deb and Greg DuBree, who are friends of our friend, Pam, from Mi Wuk. Pam had given me and them each other's information and I was planning on calling them last night, but they decided to come down to the Tree festivities. They stayed for a couple of hours and had a grand time meeting all the skippers and they plan to come back to meet Robert on Friday...that's TOMORROW!!! Deb and Greg moved to Kauai 10 days ago from Turlock, CA.
Robert was disappointed he was only going to get to attend one TREE, but it turns out a number of the skippers and their families will be here through the 9th AND I was informed...there will be a TREE every night at 5:00 until everyone leaves.
Sparky is now due in Monday a.m. so he will get to have TREE time his girlfriend is flying in his brother and his parents as a surprise...and we are working up something to celebrate his achievement since he won't be here in time for the Awards Banquet on Saturday.
At this point, it appears Robert is going to take second in his division on corrected time. First to finish in his division is Wildflower who is going to be, as Robert predicted, First Overall. Robert is elated.
Thank you all for your support, love and attention.
I will send out the evening report and then sometime tomorrow I will let you know he has come in, but not at the regular time of course.