Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008


A few more tidbits for you...
Ruben and Robbie (Sparky) got engaged day before yesterday at the Kilauea Lighthouse (the first light he saw coming in from sea)...her ring has a blue stone to signify the color of the ocean.
It appears Ruben will be giving Sparky to Mitchell Boy, the young man who provided the Zodiac escort service to each of the incoming skippers. AND Skip Allan/Wildflower is offering to help Mitchell with the rigging of the new mast.
On a not-so-bright front, Jeanne Socrates headed "home" sailing Islander late last week. She got 300 miles out to sea and discovered leaks and was unable to get the bilge pump to work so she returned to Hanalei. Jeanne will be flying back to the UK tomorrow and it appears Barbara will sail Islander home herself. What a saga!
Most of the skippers have sailed away from Hanalei at this point...Kali O Kalani is leaving with her new owner today. Harrier will depart tomorrow, and Skip will depart Wednesday. Feolena will be departing Tuesday or Wendesday. NaNa is still here. Everyone else left in the last few days either to sail back or to be shipped from Honolulu. Ragtime! started for home, but Bob Johnston missed his family and decided it was worth the money to head for home, so he changed course and went to Honolulu where he anticipates either selling or shipping his boat home.
I will be sending out Robert's summary of his TransPac later this evening.