Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 5 River Rafting

We are finding that to do anything in Bali requires a one to two hour drive.  Today is no exception.  Our guide has suggested a particular river for rafting, but Gloria and Kathy, after scouring our guide book, felt another option was better and cheaper.  This was a bit of a mistake.  Indeed, what they had found was cheaper, but he was quick to remind us that he had gotten a “special price” for us with his choice.

So, after stopping along the way, turning around, stopping again, then continuing on our route, we went with his choice.  This made him very happy.  Two hours later, we arrive at the put-in point. 

Tom and Kathy have rafted/kayaked for over 30 years.  Indeed, they have even done the Grand Canyon on their own.  And Gloria and I have done our fair share of rafting as well, frequently going with Tom and Kathy.  But, this was a new experience!

Our guide was friendly, but knew little English.  We usually orient about right, left, forward-paddle, back-paddle, holding on, dropping, what to do if you are ejected, etc.  Nothing was discussed.  We walk down to the river and push off.  Boys in the front, (seems a bit bow heavy), girls in the middle and our guide in the back.


I would say this was cross between Disneyland’s Flume ride and the Matterhorn!  The “river” is usually about 10-15 feet wide, and frequently only as wide as the boat!  It looks like it was cut with a backhoe!  If you have every gone down stairs, as a kid, on your bum, that is what it felt like.

We pinballed down the river spinning off the sides, plus we kept going over 5-8 foot drops.  Sometimes forward, others backward.  Tom kept trying to guide the boat from the front, the guide had different ideas.  We were never ejected, but those drops were always a thrill.

Little waterfalls were coming into the river on both sides; our guide was sure to direct the boat under each one.  We spent more time laughing then seriously trying to navigate this E-ticket ride!  This continued for about an hour and a half, we got our money’s worth.
